I had the pleasure of sailing with someone who founded and leads a non-profit foundation that helps school kids improve their science and math skills by connecting them with adults with careers in these fields. These ‘working scientists’ and their employers agree to donate some of their time to remotely connect online with these kids and mentor them in scheduled sessions
I thought that this was terrific idea and worthwhile programme. I wish that I’d had a knowledgeable mentor to inspire and help me with my math when I was a kid! I managed to get a science degree anyway but the math always was (and continues to be!) a slog.
He and I got talking about the science of sailing and he asked me to contribute a piece for his foundation which I was happy to do.
Here it is…
- For above the surface wing and horizontal stabilizer think headsail and mainsail of a sailboat.
- For immersed wing and elevator/horizontal stabilizer think keel and rudder of a sailboat.

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