For some the choice is decided by the fact that a monohull will heel moderately while sailing upwind in a typical Caribbean trade wind breeze, while a the heel of a similarly sized catamaran’s will be so slight as to be barely perceptible to those on board.
Even sailors not averse to heeling usually don’t like rolling and here, again, catamarans win fans–especially in a slightly rolly anchorage.
There is no right or wrong here: and no reason that, if you’re chartering, you shouldn’t switch between both types depending on who and how many people you’re sailing with.
We are often asked to coach seasoned monohull sailors on the nuances of catamarans. While a ‘boat is a boat’, cats do have a few sensitivities which, if you’re wise to, can greatly enhance your enjoyment of cruising on them.
We haven’t yet been asked to coach a catamaran sailor on a monohull but we’d love to have the opportunity! So if you’re a cat person who’s interested in trying a modern cruising ‘monomaran’ just drop us a line.
Ernie Svenson says
Hey Michael – I had a great time on the monohull, and I’m interested in trying a catamaran. I guess it’s better when bringing lots of people, especially those who aren’t eager to have their sea legs challenged too much. 😉