Just back from a whirlwind 6 day/6 island passage training course on a chartered catamaran with a client interested in extending his cruising range by sailing longer legs across international borders in more challenging, open water conditions. Day One: Starting in St. Martin, French West Indies, we headed 40 odd miles south in 15-20kts of true … [Read more...]
Prettiest Girl at the Ball
Like magnificent wild animals visiting ancestral watering holes on ancient migration routes, during this time of the year some of the most beautiful yachts in the world grace the waters of the BVI on their annual cruises through the world's best sailing locations. Yesterday afternoon, while anchored off the picture perfect speck of a BVI island … [Read more...]
Dolphins Ahoy!
Spotted by new sailors on their first bareboat learning experience in December 2014. I hope that they'll be hooked on sailing after this! … [Read more...]