Like magnificent wild animals visiting ancestral watering holes on ancient migration routes, during this time of the year some of the most beautiful yachts in the world grace the waters of the BVI on their annual cruises through the world's best sailing locations. Yesterday afternoon, while anchored off the picture perfect speck of a BVI island … [Read more...]
Dolphins Ahoy!
Spotted by new sailors on their first bareboat learning experience in December 2014. I hope that they'll be hooked on sailing after this! … [Read more...]
Heads up Cats: be especially wary of a lee shore
Last summer I had the pleasure of coaching the owners of a modern 45’ cruising catamaran on the challenges and satisfaction that comes from an open water inter-island passage: in this case from the BVI south to Grenada. The month was July which is technically within the Caribbean's storm season (June through November) but statistically unlikely to … [Read more...]
Monohull or Cat?
This is perhaps the most common question that 21st century sailors ask themselves and there is no simple answer as both types of boats have their obvious pros and cons. For some the choice is decided by the fact that a monohull will heel moderately while sailing upwind in a typical Caribbean trade wind breeze, while a the heel of a similarly … [Read more...]
What’s This All About?
Hello sailors, old and new. In these pages, I'll occasionally post observations, tips and musings on sailing in general and Caribbean sailing in particular. So check back from time to time or sign-up to recieve free updates. See you on the water! … [Read more...]